Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We are committed to carrying out the great commission and taking the good news
of Jesus Christ to every person in Petal and around the world.
of Jesus Christ to every person in Petal and around the world.

As part of our Jerusalem strategy, PHBC has been involved in and supported financially our C3 after school ministry, Nursing Home & Shut-in ministry, the Petal Children’s Task Force, Christian Women’s Job Corp, Homes of Hope for Children, Christian Services, and Lighthouse Mission.
As part of our Jerusalem strategy, PHBC has been involved in and supported financially our C3 after school ministry, Nursing Home & Shut-in ministry, the Petal Children’s Task Force, Christian Women’s Job Corp, Homes of Hope for Children, Christian Services, and Lighthouse Mission.

As part of our Judea strategy, we traveled to Carey, Mississippi to serve the Lord by doing construction and working in a thrift store for the needy with the Cary Christian Center.
As part of our Judea strategy, we traveled to Carey, Mississippi to serve the Lord by doing construction and working in a thrift store for the needy with the Cary Christian Center.

As part of our Samaria strategy, we sent a group to Montepelier, Vermont, to work with Capital Community Church. They have recently secured a new worship space, had their first baptism and hosted a community Monster Mash Carnival at Halloween. We also helped with disaster relief in Louisiana after the flooding.
As part of our Samaria strategy, we sent a group to Montepelier, Vermont, to work with Capital Community Church. They have recently secured a new worship space, had their first baptism and hosted a community Monster Mash Carnival at Halloween. We also helped with disaster relief in Louisiana after the flooding.

Ends of the Earth
As part of our “Ends of the Earth” strategy, we send more than 50 members from Petal-Harvey outside the United States to various mission fields. The church trip to Caldicot, Wales was incredible. Our team worked with Bethany Baptist Church to do door to door evangelism, prayer walking, worship, and ministry.
Petal-Harvey is always a major hub for Operation Christmas Child. We were the first church in the area to give over 2000 shoe boxes in a single year.
As part of our “Ends of the Earth” strategy, we send more than 50 members from Petal-Harvey outside the United States to various mission fields. The church trip to Caldicot, Wales was incredible. Our team worked with Bethany Baptist Church to do door to door evangelism, prayer walking, worship, and ministry.
Petal-Harvey is always a major hub for Operation Christmas Child. We were the first church in the area to give over 2000 shoe boxes in a single year.